Current Projects
I am on the Board of Girls Rock! RI.
I love getting people to make lovely loud music, and they got me to sing in 4 part harmony Madonna’s “Like a Prayer”
I serve on the Advisory Commtee for Equity Action, Rhode Island’s fund for sexual orientation and gender identity.
As a permanent endowment at the Foundation, Equity Action advances the equitable treatment
and improves the quality of life of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) Rhode Islanders.
DOODLEDRAG is an ongoing drawing gathering and experiment;
the brainchild of doodling mates Marissa Paternoster and LNY.
I draw with them when I am in the Jerz.
I occasionally contribute to Printeresting,
“the thinking person’s favorite online resource for interesting printmaking miscellany.”
I am a member of the Washington Park Library Friends Group.
Work to promote literacy and library services in South Providence.
Former Projects
Brodsky Center
Singapore Tyler Print Institute
Willie Mae Rock and Roll Camp for Girls
Minnesota Center for the Book Arts
The Hive Archive-a nonprofit women run Feminist Arts Organization
Hera Gallery
The Feminist Art Project @ Rutgers
RI Feminist Resources Network